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10/10/10 at 10 am we picked up a new addition to the family – an Abyssinian cat named Axum T’je Royal. He is the first feline we’ve ever kept exclusively as an indoor cat.
It’s not just for the cats’ health (which the cat lady insisted upon) but it’s for ‘the Others’. Meaning the various lizards, birds, small mammals and anybody else liable to be eaten around the yard.
For the record, they are all in favor of the move.
To help the cat settle in we’ve got a scratching post and a couple of cushy kitty beds all ready. I’ll bet though, above all else, he’s going to love this…
Just outside my office, Axum the cat is going to love luxuriating in the sunlight that pours in the south-facing window.
All summer outside this window, we gratefully accept the generous shade our native white oak tree furnishes. It grows between the sun and the house, filtering the harsh summer solar rays.
Our car upholstery and paint finishes are spared the normal roasting and fading. The house is spared too from undesirable heat build-up and some of the brutal solar pounding.
It’s no secret this summer was the hottest on record (100 days of over 90 degree heat). When the temperature was skyrocketing outside though, our shaded home was cool and comfortable inside.
Between our outdoor landscaping, and our green home improvements, the air conditioning system didn’t break a sweat and our July electricity cost less than half our bill before we remodeled.
It’s like we held Our Own “Half Off Utility Bill Sale!”and it’s not too late for you to do something similar.
It’s the kind of perks-that-pay that’s covered in my video version of Sneaky Solar Strategies That Pay Over & Over. Simply click on the title to find out how you can get your own today.
Now that the leaves are starting to fall off the big oak, we’ll let in the winter sun. It’ll provide us passive solar warming which in turn will keep our monthly electric bills low.
And if you’re looking for the cat, I bet he’ll be using his own sneaky strategy by basking in that welcome sun. After all, cats Are experts in making themselves comfortable.
Start saving with your own Sneaky Solar Strategies That Pay Over & Over video today.
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Ah man, I was thinking you were pretty cool until you said you bought a cat from a breeder. Egads. Do you not know about the endless hordes of cats in shelters and foster homes who need homes? Everyone is overrun with cats, wonderful cats who just need good people to adopt them. To support the breeding of even more, while thousands are euthanized every single day, is about as ungreen as you can get.
Admittedly pets aren’t my expertise but that’s a good reminder about shelters. I wonder which comes first though, extra animals or shelters?
We’ve Always spayed/neutered our pets so maybe some credit is due for us not contributing to shelter populations in the first place?
Over the years, we’ve actually been given most of our cats. Abyssinian’s make great pets but are very hard to find. Many years ago, one was given to us and he was a honey.