Tweet The persistent beeping of an alarm under the floor woke us up at midnight the other night. We’d had a tremendously hot 101 degree day for the summer solstice and all of a sudden, we had a monster rain storm. What we found, was that
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Rain Water
Tweet Orchids living in trees harvest rain in a clever way. Their v-shaped leaves catch and guide water to the main stem then down to the aerial roots. You too can mimic nature by capturing rain landing on your garden shed roof with a v-shaped wooden gutter. A slight tilt in one direction guides it […]
Tweet Splish-splash those roots are takin’ a bath! There’s nothing easier or healthier for your yard than to let rain water it naturally. After a shower, temporary puddles let water soak into your plant root zones. Then, water moves deeper into the water table. That ground water not only helps plants withstand intense summer droughts, […]
Tweet About 11 a.m. the framers quit when the rain started. Part of this year’s green remodel idea home is a two story addition nestled into a corner by the main house and the garage. They draped the two open sides of the original house with massive sheets of plastic. That shielded the exposed insulation […]