We Operate Green

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Build That Green is dedicated to conserving the finite resources of our planet.

Our monthly NC GreenPower contribution is used towards generating renewable energy in North Carolina, and/or towards mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in the regional North Carolina-South Carolina -Virginia area.

We actively encourage a culture of ecological responsibility, making the best use of our resources and minimizing environmental impacts.

We Operate Green by:

  • Offsetting our electric use with renewable green power.
  • Making environmental responsibility a company value.
  • Striving to offer products that are environmentally friendly.
  • Offering publications in either electronic-form or printed on recycled and sustainably harvested paper.
  • Using shipping materials with recycled content when possible.
  • Reducing the ecological impact of our company activities when possible.
  • Buying North Carolina Green Power to offset our carbon footprint because it is a cleaner source of energy.

At Our Company Office we:

  • Maximize day lighting; Minimize artificial lighting; phased out incandescent light bulbs.
  • Reduce overall energy consumption of climate controls and equipment loads; support alternate energy sources.
  • Create healthy indoor work environments.
  • Use low-flow plumbing fixtures.
  • Recycle office ink cartridges, paper, cans, glass and cardboard.
  • Work to use electronic tools to minimize paper use.